It has been a while coming but Duchess won in fine style at Yarmouth on Wednesday, scoring by three lengths over the straight mile in the hands of Adam Farragher.
Dropped in out the back from her wide draw, Duchess crept steadily into the race and took up the running three furlongs out before stretching clear of her rivals to win easily despite still looking a little green. She shouldn't do really, as she has had plenty of racing and is five now but she is a tall, gangly filly and she has taken a while to come together. But she is very straightforward and it is great to see her get off the mark in such a way.
Duchess has been the daily ride of David Goodwin, who turned 73 on Tuesday. Our thanks go to Dave for all the hard work he has put in with her, and we know he is really fond of her because there is alreday a big bag of carrots and apples outside Duchess's stable, delivered straught after the race.
Congratulations also must go to the mare's owners in the Quieter Than A Mouse syndicate, who have been very patient, and to our grreat friends Jocelyn Targett and Julian Ince, who bred Duchess in France. Let's hope they will have more cause for celebration this season